Favorite workout videos

July 12, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

Dream Come True Photo - little boy showing his big musclesDream Come True Photo - little boy showing his big musclesDream Come True Photo - little boy showing his big muscles How does a busy mom cam ever find the time to do everything on her plate?! That is my daily marathon... And one of the hardest things squeeze in - is a workout.

I try to workout every day. ("Try" is the key word ;) ) Even for the little-lest bit. 10 minutes here, half and hour there, 45 minutes the next day and non at all after that. Well, little by little, before you know, I can see my muscles taking a whole other shape!

I applaud and take my hat off to those moms, who manage getting to the gym on regular basis.

But for most of us, whether your kids are small or big, even that is challenge: it seems it is easier to climb the Everest, than to find the time to make bodies last up to kids' graduation (let alone look good)!!! Climb the Everest - at least we can justify this as a family vacation and junior getting some fresh air! Gym... oh, well.

For me - at home workout is the only option to make it work: sometimes I have 40 minutes, sometimes only 10. And sometimes, like today, I have a half an hour, but too exhausted after a late-night editing session. 4 hours of sleep is definitely not enough (and a kid marching into the bedroom at dawn to discuss how many toys to take for his sleepover - is a kind of a rough way start that day in first place).

Working out at home it is.

With the magic of youtube, we have the whole world at our fingertips. Yet sometimes, I find that searching for the "right" workout video to follow today - takes longer, then the actual workout itself! If this sounds familiar in any way - I am here to help. I started a playlist of my favorite workout videos - little challenges, all of which could be done at home without any special equipment and in as little time as you have for it.

I need constant challenge, so I keep adding to it to discover more.


Share your favorites! I'd be constantly adding to this list and knowing your favorites, or even if you know a video or two to add to my own workout routine - I can't wait to see it!!!



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