Allow me to introduce myself: Elly Alenka Dream
Three passionsFor those who are new to my page, allow me to introduce myself: I am Elly Dream. Alenka. A contemporary portrait photographer and a Mom. Three passions drive my life: FamilyNumber one is definitely a family. Not just my own: any Family is beautifully sacred to me. I am first a mom, and, just like you, ready to bend over backwards for those I love. And I do. The bending. Just like you, girl ;) Family, its legacy, is what filling everything that I do with meaning. Some of the little hacks we find on a way through this family journey - I like to share, to save you the time that I already spent searching for it myself.
ArtNumber two is - Art. Flowing strokes of paint, sharp streaks of drawing, architectural lines of sculpture, intricate play of words in favorite works of literature, magical sounds of music, impactful theatrical performances - all of those aspects of culture unique to humans - both ancient and modern - inspire, give me solace, bring fascination and help me understand and express things dear to me. And its meaning doubles when I get to share it with the kids. Feel free to use it, girl, if your kiddos could benefit from it too. Quest of LearningNumber three is my never ending quest of learning. Almost anything, from sports to business, but in particular - history. Always at it.
Photography brings them altogether. I like to call myself a Family Historian on an endless quest to learn and capture, preserve life’s most precious valuables: our love for our children, our special family milestones, the real personalities that make the ones we love so unique and so special to us!! In an artistic way :)). Children - true to their personality, and mom - just stunning!
In my images, I strive to capture children to looking authentic, and mom… her absolute best. Through the eyes of those who love her - you! - so much... Capturing not just the look, but the special connection, the love, the tenderness, the overwhelming desire to shield our little ones from the bad and open their hearts wide to every magically wonderful surprise that world has to offer!!!
Perfecting the headshot!My current emphasis is on headshots: they really allow me to isolate and refine the lighting skills, little posing hacks that take looking people good - a long way; and, most importantly, getting true personality - getting live, confident and irresistibly attractive expressions. Still - uniquely yours :))
Your turn! What drives YOU?Most importantly, what gets you going? What gives you a reason to get out of bed in the morning? What's your passion, what is the reason behind everything that you do?
Dream Come True Photo,
preserve the moment,
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