Solan - the Birthday Boy!

January 10, 2016  •  1 Comment

Newborn baby boy in a truck - vintage take of the adorable 1 week old deliciousnessDreamComeTrue_IMG_9361-2

Happy First Birthday, dear baby Solan!  

Wow, one year… It is hard to believe that a whole year already passed since we’ve met for the first time.  Yet it is even harder to believe that there was a time when you… weren’t here.  My own children love to ask: “Mom, where was at the time of this… or that?”  And sometimes to the answer is: “You weren’t!..”  

Dream Come True Photo.  Capturing connection: mom just loves her adorable newborn baby boy!Dream Come True Photo. Capturing connection: mom just loves her adorable newborn baby boy!

Solan, the magical baby, today you are boasting the sweetest, most adorable smile, spunky red curls, sparkling eyes. In these images you are just a few days old. You’ve changed a lot, dear little munchkin.   One thing hasn't: you were irresistibly cute and, apparently, will keep this one for a lifetime!

Dream Come True Photo: capturing the connection between the beautiful mom and her adorable little newborn baby boyDream Come True Photo: capturing the connection between the beautiful mom and her adorable little newborn baby boy

Solan, the sweetest surprise your family could have.  Yes, you were a surprise.  No, not because you were not wanted or not expected.  Yes, you were expected, and yes you were wanted so badly and for so long, that over the years it was easy to start losing hope.  And just when it seemed like the third baby dream is going to stay just a dream… the dream came true.  And what a dream baby you turned out to be!   

Yep, the dream baby from your first moments: isn’t it every parent’s dream to have a baby on a weekend, when daddy just happens to be home, when grandma has a chance to pick up future big brother and big sister?  Isn’t it a dream baby, who patiently waits until all of them are home together, so that mom and dad can go to the hospital without the rush and stress?    

I know first hand that having a third baby is not easy.  Yet the third baby is always uniquely special: the first baby is so brand new, so fragile, so scary for every parent.  Every new little development, every change, every step of the way is both intimidating and overwhelming.  You’d think that the second baby is less stressful, but suddenly doubling the responsibility, the workload, the stress and guilt of sibling’s jealousy- can bury the best of us.  It is the third baby that turns out to be the most enjoyable: the little difficulties are no longer frightening, the guilt - manageable, and new developments make us exuberantly happy!

Dream Come True Photo.  Capturing connection: mom just loves her adorable newborn baby boy!  The first photographs in the nurceryDream Come True Photo. Capturing connection: mom just loves her adorable newborn baby boy! The first photographs in the nurcery

Solan, dear, this is what I’ve heard your mom say, when someone was debating if having a third baby is a good idea: “Having the third child, having my dear sunny baby, having my adorable Solan, is the best thing that ever happened to our family: it really brought us together, made us happier, even his older brother and sister finally found one thing they both agreed with each other - that Solan is the most adorable creature in the world!” Solan’s 10 year old sister declared that Solan is cuter then a kitten (unbeatably cutest thing ever before Solan came along); Solan’s 8 year old brother turns into  bubbly and cheery puppy whenever he sees them!  Grandma adores him, grandpa is in love, daddy can’t resist some cuddles…

Dream Come True Photo.  Capturing connection: big sister admiring her adorable newborn baby brother.Dream Come True Photo. Capturing connection: big sister admiring her adorable newborn baby brother.Dream Come True Photo. Capturing connection: big sister admiring her adorable newborn baby brother.

… and every new person that meets you, dear little Solan, becomes your greatest fan!

Dream Come True Photo.  The newborn baby is very surprised how he fits into mommy's handsDream Come True Photo. The newborn baby is very surprised how he fits into mommy's hands

Happy 1st Birthday, dear Solan! Can't wait to congratulate you in person, watch you smash the cake, and capture the sweetest ever one year old smile from world's most adorable redhead!!

Dream Come True Photo.  Newborn baby feet in mom's hands, shaped like a heart.Dream Come True Photo. Newborn baby feet in mom's hands, shaped like a heart.



Elly dear, hank you soo much!!! This isn't the first time your work and writing makes me cry happy tears of joy. You said it all! In words and images! This whole year, while Solan was growing, words can not express how bright and happy and adorable he is, how much happiness and sunshine he brought to our lives. Words can't, but your images can.
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