Nathan - 10 days

September 17, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

The first surprise came with a hat.  

This newborn baby boy came in wide awake, with a serious philosophical look on his face.  The political situation in the world is no joke, and this little guy has to think it through really thoroughly.  He is up for the task.  His eyes look wise beyond the years (what years?!  This little guy has been in this world for just a couple of days!).   Yet it is not the serious expression, that attracts the attention at first: the Cheeks, the biggest ever, the yummiest and softest cheeks, was the first adorable thing you could see! So big, so soft, so cute - they look as if they are resting on his shoulders!  


With an adorable and dignified seriousness he accepted being changed from his pretty little coverall and into the most adorable of all newborn outfits: his birthing suit.


“I doubt he’ll sleep,” - commented his mommy, - “but you are welcomed to try.”

Yet he did. All babies like to sleep in my arms (except my own ones.  My own boys could fall asleep with daddy).

“He wouldn’t sleep long, - cautioned his mom, - but we can see what we manage in the time he does sleep.”

He had a wonderfully long nap; long enough to get all the special shots and woke up the minute I had to step out of the door.  

“That hat?  I don’t think it will fit at all!”

Especially for Nathan, I had prepared an especially lovely hat, making him look like an adorable baby-blue teddy bear with cute rounded ears.  You wouldn’t find a picture in that hat: his mom’s prediction was totally true. I knew his height, weight, the head size - all his sizes at birth, but, apparently, little Nathan did not.  Whatever those sizes were back at the doctor’s office, all of my newborn hats could fit his tiny wrinkly ten-day-old foot in the best case scenario, definitely not such a big, smart and serious head.    


We started off with mommy.  No hat.  The big guy deserved a big hug.  And while he was too big for my newborn-sized hats, while he looked too big to his mom at the  time, he still would never be this small again, making this moment especially precious.


We ended up with a teal hat, that I originally made for a three month old photoshoot.  That one was perfect.  I knew that I’ll get to see Nathan in three days, so I used that size to make the one exactly like it, looking like a polar bear, to surprise his mom. Three days after the photoshoot, a polar bear hat, in a christmassy looking little bag appeared on their doorway with a little card, saying that Nathan suddenly got a Christmas in July: or almost July.  His mom was flattered.  She loved his hat.  But she could fit this on only on his tiny wrinkled two-week-old foot.  “How come?!  This is the same size as the hat I photographed him three days ago?!”  The doctor’s appointment the next day proved that Nathan managed to put on another pound!   What a guy!  And what a MOM!


Nathan really loved his sleepy time in a basket. So peaceful, yet still with the look of wisdom and seriousness beyond his years.  An important future senator.  Right in a basket.  Get your votes ready, guys, this is the future.

I loved every moment with Nathan.  So sweet, so adorable, so charming.  Looking forward to watch you grow and see great things in your future - this adorable little guy deserves only the biggest success!






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